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Proceedings Remote Line Rendering for Mobile Devices

Author(s): Joachim Diepstraten, Martin Görke, Thomas Ertl.
Proceedings: Computer Graphics International (CGI'04), 2004.
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There is a growing interest for providing interactive graphics also on mobile devices like PDAs, Smartphones, etc. Right now mobile devices are very limited concerning graphical resources basically only simple 2D rasterization operations are available, that run completely on the main CPU of the device. The desire to have more complex 3D graphics on these devices often results in a remote rendering solution. Classical remote rendering solutions produce the final images on a server and transfer these to the client device over a wired or non-wired network. With this paper we present an alternative method to the image-based approach by splitting the rendering process between client and server transfering couple of 2D line primitives over the network, which are rendered locally by the mobile device.

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