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Proceedings Generalizing the Active Shape Model by Integrating Structural Knowledge to Recognize Hand Drawn Sketches

Author(s): Stephan Al-Zubi, Klaus D. Tönnies.
Proceedings: CAIP, pp. 320--328, Gröningen, Netherland, 25-27 August, 2003.
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We propose a new deformable shape model Active Shape Structural Model (ASSM) for recognition and reconstruction. The main features of ASSM are: (1) It describes variations of shape not only statistically as Active shape/Appearance model but also by structural variations. (2) Statistical and structural prior knowledge is integrated resulting in a multi-resolution shape description such that the statistical variation becomes more constrained as structural information is added. Experiments on hand drawn sketches of mechanical systems using electronic ink demonstrate the ability of the deformable model to recognize objects structurally and reconstruct them statistically.

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