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Proceedings Virtual Drypoint by a Model-driven Strategy

Author(s): Daisuke Tasaki, Shinji Mizuno, Minoru Okada.
Proceedings: Eurographics 2004, 2004.
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In this paper we propose a method to synthesize a virtual copperplate print image based on physical model as a non-photorealistic rendering in Computer Graphics. In particular we pick out the drypoint from many existing copperplate printing techniques. A drypoint print has a remarkable feature that ridged burrs are arising out of the copperplate and the printed lines are slightly ragged and fuzzy. Our method consists of four sub-processes: plate making, ink applying, wiping and printing. Each process simulates the physical actions and phenomena observed in the actual copperplate printing. In this study we use a small-scale print and an actual print created by a real copperplate artist for some experiments to indicate effects and availability of proposed method to synthesize a print image with the feature of drypoint.

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