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Proceedings Pen-and-ink textures for real-time rendering

Author(s): Jennifer Fung, Oleg Veryovka.
Proceedings: Graphics Interface (GI'03), 2003.
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Simulation of a pen-and-ink illustration style in a real-time rendering system is a challenging computer graphics problem. Tonal art maps (TAMs) were recently suggested as a solution to this problem. Unfortunately, only the hatching aspect of pen-and-ink media was addressed thus far. We extend the TAM approach and enable representation of arbitrary textures. We generate TAM images by distributing stroke primitives according to a probability density function. This function is derived from the input image and varies depending on the TAM's scale and tone levels. The resulting depiction of textures approximates various styles of pen-and-ink illustrations such as outlining, stippling, and hatching.

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