Non-photorealistic Rendering Using an Adaptive Halftoning Technique
Author(s): Lisa M. Streit, Oleg Veryovka, John W. Buchanan.
Proceedings: Skiggraph '99,
One of the common goals of Non-Photorealistic Rendering is to emphasize
or highlight particular image attributes by using different
rendering styles. In order to do this often other information such as
depth, surface or lighting information is incorporated into the rendering
process. Most halftoning techniques try to preserve particular
image attributes such as grey-scale intensities or edges, while
avoiding the introduction of artifacts into the resulting image. In
Importance Driven Halftoning Streit and Buchanan [1] introduced
a technique that allows the preservation of other attributes by controlling
rendering through the specification of the importance function
and the chosen type of drawing primitive. This paper illustrates
how importance driven halftoning can be extended for the
creation of non-photorealistic images with information outside the
2D grey-scale image such as a 3D scene or model. Our extensions
to Importance Driven Halftoning will provide the user with control
over drawing primitives for the creation of tone and texture which
is needed to create non-photorealistic images.