Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Article Expressive Rendering: A Review of Nonphotorealistic Techniques

Author(s): John Lansdown, Simon Schofield.
Article: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 29--37, May, 1995.
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In parallel with the well-known developments in computer graphics to produce photorealistic imagery there have been a number of interesting attempts to widen the range of output possibilities. In particular, there has been a thrust towards creating systems that simulate the sort of natural media that artists use. Some of these attempts are reviewed and, from them, the concept of 'expressive' or non-photorealistic rendering is developed. Expressive rendering goes further than simulation of natural media: it aims to encourage new forms of image-making. Some of the possibilities are illustrated by output from the Piranesi system.

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