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Proceedings Projector-guided painting

Author(s): Matthew Flagg, James M. Rehg.
Proceedings: UIST '06: Proceedings of the 19th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology, pp. 235--244, New York, NY, USA, ACM, 2006.
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This paper presents a novel interactive system for guiding artists to paint using traditional media and tools. The enabling technology is a multi-projector display capable of controlling the appearance of an artist’s canvas. This display-oncanvas guides the artist to construct the painting as a series of layers. Our process model for painting is based on classical techniques and was designed to address three main issues which are challenging to novices: (1) positioning and sizing elements on the canvas, (2) executing the brushstrokes to achieve a desired texture and (3) mixing pigments to make a target color. These challenges are addressed through a set of interaction modes. Preview and color selection modes enable the artist to focus on the current target layer by highlighting the areas of the canvas to be painted. Orientation mode displays brushstroke guidelines for the creation of desired brush texture. Color mixing mode guides the artist through the color mixing process with a user interface similar to a color wheel. These interaction modes allow a novice artist to focus on a series of manageable subtasks in executing a complex painting. Our system covers the gamut of the painting process from overall composition down to detailed brushwork. We present the results from a user study which quantify the benefit that our system can provide to a novice painter.

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