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Proceedings Comics-Like Motion Depiction from Stereo

Author(s): Danijela Markovic, Margrit Gelautz.
Proceedings: 14th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG'06), pp. 155--160, 2006.
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In this paper, we present an algorithm to depict motion in comics-like form, with an artistic drawn-like representation of the scene, from a stereo image sequence. The input to the algorithm is a natural scene, along with a user-de?ned set of parameters that de?ne the tone and stylistic properties of the image to be produced. The algorithm uses a dense disparity map, computed from the input stereo video, to preserve the perspective perception of the stylized image by drawing each stroke in a direction determined by the stereo derived disparity layers. To outline important features in the image, we utilize the contour edges provided by the Edge Combination algorithm. In the next step, we detect motion of the objects in the scene by tracking points that are close to the dominant edges of the Edge Combination image. The extracted dominant structure is further used to obtain a larger variety of styles for visualizing the motion trajectories. The output of the algorithm is a drawn-like form of the original scene with the motion highlighted in imitation of comics produced by hand.

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