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Proceedings Frame-to-Frame Coherent Halftoning in Image Space

Author(s): Mike Eissele, Daniel Weiskopf, Thomas Ertl.
Proceedings: Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics (TPCG'04), pp. 188--195, Bournemouth, 2004.
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We present an interactive technique for generating halftoning animations in image space. We specifically consider a halftoning approach that uses screening methods to achieve shading, brightness, and texture by placing varying patterns. Our technique transports the screening patterns in a frame-to-frame coherent manner according to the velocity of each fragment on the image plane. We show how the algorithm is mapped to programmable graphics hardware to achieve interactive frame rates. Our approach can be used for any screening-based halftoning technique, and therefore different non-photorealistic image-space rendering styles, including dithering, screening, stippling, and hatching, can be utilized to generate real-time frame-to-frame coherent animations.

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