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PhD Thesis Dynamic Presentations for Illustration Purposes

Author(s): Roland Jesse.
PhD Thesis: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, March, 2004.
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Illustrations provide visual support for transmitting a communication goal with regard to an illustration subject and a target audience. A set of presentation variables exists supporting this task. This set has proven valuable for expressing illustration information. To broaden the spectrum of illustration techniques, this work introduces the notion of dynamic presentations for illustration purposes. Herein, temporally parameterised dynamics aim at maximising the expression capabilites while economising as much on cognitive load as possible. To this end, a collection of components is presented: (1) an overview of fundamentals of dynamics including cognitive aspects; (2) a temporal model for parameterising presentation of dynamics; (3) a set of exemplary dynamics with some special emphasis on non-photorealistic renderings; and (4) some aspects on system modelling for implementing the introduced concepts. Lastly, use of the presented components is exemplified by drawing on some applications using dynamics for illustration purposes. Inspirations for future research are derived for broadening the set of dynamic presentation techniques. This is expected to widen their field of application as well as further promoting the potential of dynamics as an independent expression dimension.

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