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Proceedings Animating Chinese Landscape Paintings and Panorama Using Multi-Perspective Modeling

Author(s): Nelson Siu-Hang Chu, Chiew-Lan Tai.
Proceedings: Computer Graphics International (CGI'01), pp. 0107, Hong Kong, China, July 03 - 06, 2001.
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This paper describes a multi-perspective modeling technique for making fly-through animations from a single large landscape painting or panorama. These images have sub-scenes that are taken from different perspective views. The technique constructs a simple global model for the entire input image and builds a local model for each sub-scene using the TIP spidery mesh interface. Animation is generated by switching smoothly between a local model and the global model while moving a virtual camera along an animation path. Novel views are rendered by mapping the texture images, extracted from the original image, onto the active model. The usefulness of the technique is demonstrated with two animation examples from a Chinese landscape painting and a spherical panoramic image.

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