Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Proceedings Manga and non-photorealistic rendering

Author(s): Sugano Yoshinori.
Proceedings: ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 65--66, February, 1999.
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In focusing my efforts on non-photorealistic computer graphics (CG) imagery, I have been struggling to create pictures that are, in a sense, more realistic than those rendered using so-called photorealistic techniques. In the past, when directing television programs, I felt something distinctly lacking in CG visuals — CG tends to look monolithic and excessively clean-cut — I don’t deny that the perfectly integrated monsters and super-realistic special effects are quite captivating for viewers, but most of them are little more than just beautiful visuals on the two-dimensional screen or monitor. As technology improves and the visuals created by CG tend towards seamless reality, the more lifeless seem these pictures. The pervading opinion of late seems to be that CG should be used such that an audience can’t detect its presence — a mundane goal in my opinion.

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