A Fresh Perspective
Karan Singh.
Graphics Interface (GI'02), pp. 17--24, May,
2002. [BibTeX]
A Model Based Technique for Realistic Oriental Painting
Do Hoon Lee, Young Bock Lee, Hwan Gue Cho, Young Jung Yu.
10th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (PG'02), pp. 452, Tsinghua University, Beijing, October 09 - 11,
2002. [BibTeX]
A Multi-Level Sketching Tool for "Pencil-and-Paper" Animation
Fabian Di Fiore, Frank Van Reeth.
Sketch Understanding: Papers from the 2002 American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI Spring Symposium), pp. 32--36, Palo Alto (USA), March 25-27,
2002. [BibTeX]
A Solid Model Based Virtual Hairy Brush
Songhua Xu, Min Tang, Francis Lau, Yunhe Pan.
Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 21, No. 3, September,
2002. [BibTeX]
Abstracted Painterly Renderings Using Eye-Tracking Data
Anthony Santella, Doug DeCarlo.
Proceedings of Second International Symposium on Non Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR 2002, Annecy, France, June 3--5, 2002), pp. 75--82, New York, NY, USA, June 3-5, ACM Press,
2002. [BibTeX]
An Efficient Brush Model for Physically-Based 3D Painting
Nelson Siu-Hang Chu, Chiew-Lan Tai.
10th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (PG'02), pp. 413--421, Tsinghua University, Beijing, October 09 - 11,
2002. [BibTeX]
An Experimental Comparision of Perceived Egocentric Distance in Real, Image-Based, and Traditional Virtual Environments using Direct Walking Tasks
Peter Willemsen, Amy A. Gooch.
School of Computing, University of Utah, No. UUCS-02-009, February,
2002. [BibTeX]
An Invitation to Discuss Computer Depiction
Frédo Durand.
2nd International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR'02), Annecy, France, June 3-5,
2002. [BibTeX]
An Object-Oriented Progressive-Simplification-Based Vectorization System for Engineering Drawings: Model, Algorithm, and Performance
Jiqiang Song, Feng Su, Chiew-Lan Tai, Shijie Cai.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 24, No. 8, pp. 1048--1060, August,
2002. [BibTeX]
Animation with Threshold Textures
Author(s): Oleg Veryovka.
Proceedings: Graphics Interface (GI'02),
We present a method for frame coherent texturing and
hatching of 3D models with a discrete set of colors. Our
technique is inspired by various artistic styles that use a
limited set of colors to convey surface shape and texture.
In previous research discrete color shading was produced
by modifying smooth shading with a threshold function.
We extend this approach and specify threshold values
with an image or a procedural texture. Texture values
and mapping coordinates are adapted to surface orientation
and scale. Aliasing artifacts are eliminated by the
modified filtering technique. The threshold texturing approach
enables an animator to control local shading and
to display surface roughness and curvature with a limited
set of colors.