Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Found 4 item(s) authored in "1992".

Article Computer Painting in a Different Light
Michael Haggerty.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 4--6, November, 1992. [BibTeX]

Article Geometric and Group-theoretic Methods for Computer Graphic Studies of Islamic Symmetric Patterns
S. J. Abas, A. Salman.
Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 43--53, 1992. [BibTeX]

Article Modelling the Texture of Paint
Tunde Cockshott, John Patterson, David England.
Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 217--226, 1992. [BibTeX]

Article Robotic Painting: Art Creating Art

Author(s): Michael Haggerty.
Article: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, pp. 8--10, 1992.
[BibTeX] Find this paper on Google

While many computer graphics researchers are working to improve output on laser printers, video. film recorders. plotters. and high-end PostScript devices. a number of artists and scientists have turned to using robots to generate output. And in some cases. the robot actually creates the art to begin with. Artist Harold Cohen has been developing an expert visual representation system for nearly 20 years, and scientists Kenneth Goldberg and Timothy Anderson have been experimenting with robots that paint an image based on the graphics in a drawing program. These systems generate output on paper or canvas in ways that challenge our preconceptions about precision. productivity, and creativity.

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