Artistic Collaboration in Designing VR Visualizations
Daniel F. Keefe, David B. Karelitz, Eileen L. Vote, David H. Laidlaw.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 18--23, March/April,
2005. [BibTeX]
Artistic Reality: Fast Brush Stroke Stylization for Augmented Reality
Jan Fischer, Dirk Bartz, Wolfgang Straßer.
ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), pp. 155--158, Monterey, November,
2005. [BibTeX]
Artistic rendering of the visual cortex
Roberto Lam, João Rodrigues, J.M.Hans du Buf.
2nd Workshop Luso-Galaico de Artes Digitais (ARTECH2005), pp. 65--78, Vila-Nova-Cerveira, Portugal, August 27,
2005. [BibTeX]
Automatic Generation of Artistic Chinese Calligraphy
Songhua Xu, Francis Lau, William K. Cheung, Yunhe Pan.
IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 32--39, May/June,
2005. [BibTeX]
Automatic Non-Photorealistic Rendering through Soft-Shading Removal: A Colour-Vision Approach
Adriana Olmos, Frederick Kingdom.
2nd International Conference on Vision, Video and Graphics (VVG '05), pp. 203--208, Edinburgh, Scotland, July,
2005. [BibTeX]
Being paintings
Author(s): Alain Lioret.
Proceedings: ACM SIGGRAPH 05 electronic art and animation catalog, pp. 186--190, August,
This paper focuses on art created by new techniques such as cellular machines, L-Systems, genetic algorithms, neural networks ... We propose here several methods of implementation combining the rules of construction of cellular machines and L-Systems with genetic, neuronal networks, couplings, translation of codes. These methods result in the morphogenesis of bodies, as well their structure (shape) and their functional aspect (neuronal networks with driving, sensory neurons, balance, etc.). It's a part of what we can call "a new kind of art", and we can see here how Beings Paintings emerge.
Beyond Pixels: Illustration with Vector Graphics
Tobias Isenberg, Angela Brennecke, Mario Costa Sousa, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale.
Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, No. Technical Report 2005-804-35, Canada, December,
2005. [BibTeX]
Bootstrapping an Animated Sketchbook
Joshua Gargus.
Third International Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing (C5'05), pp. 33--40,
2005. [BibTeX]
Breaking the Pixel Barrier
Tobias Isenberg, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale, Mario Costa Sousa.
First Eurographics Workshop on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging (EGCA'05), pp. 41--48, May 18–20, Eurographics Association,
2005. [BibTeX]
Character Animation Creation using Hand-drawn Sketches
Bing-Yu Chen, Yutaka Ono, Tomoyuki Nishita.
The Visual Computer, Vol. 21, No. 8-10, pp. 551--558,
2005. [BibTeX]