Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Found 1 item(s) authored by "Mark Fashing" .

Misc Adventures in Non-photorealism: Creating a Painterly Renderer

Author(s): Mark Fashing.
Misc: Honors Thesis, College of William and Mary, May, 2001.
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For decades, researchers have endeavored to increase the degree of realism in computer-generated graphics. The progression from shaders based on surface normals and interpolated colors to ones that trace the paths of individual photons is just one example. The creation of computer-generated art of this nature, that is art that attempts to be true-to-life, is known as photorealistic rendering. Today, photorealistic renderers are powerful enough to seamlessly blend computer graphics into films and television programs. In fact, the 2001 motion picture Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within is entirely computer-generated and features photorealistic human characters complete with porous sjin and individually rendered strands of hair[15].

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