Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Found 1 item(s) authored by "Daeuk Kang" Find Author on Google.

Proceedings A Study on the Real-time Toon Rendering for 3D Geometry Model

Author(s): Daeuk Kang, Donghwan Kim, Kyung Hyun Yoon.
Proceedings: Fifth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'01), pp. 391--396, July, 2001.
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Non-Photorealistic rendering techniques, such as toon rendering, can greatly enhance the quality of hand-drawn cel animation images with less effort. For this reason, toon rendering is one of the popular techniques used in the cel animation image production field. The existing toon rendering techniques, however, have not been effective enough for the real-time image processing. Because the techniques have not been adequate for some processes that needs immediate responses such as virtual-realities, or video games. This paper will suggest the real-time toon rendering to overcome this limitation through real-time outline detection and phong shading. In addition, an effective result-image can be produced by adding a shadow using fast shadow generating algorithm while real-time execution remains possible.

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